Sep 1Liked by Kelly Ingraham

Hey Kelly, I am loving your writing and perspective. You discuss how mainstrean (tropical) astrology is patriarchal, does that mean when you discuss astological themes you view through a true sky lens? Ie true sidereal? Thanks

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Hi! Thank you so much. So yes, tropical astrology is inherently patriarchal because it was created by Assyrian/Babylonian culture and refined by the Greco-Romans into the system we have today-made by men, for men, with the lens of rulership and war, derived from the first patriarchal (male dominated & led) (Western) civilizations. That doesn't mean it's wrong or inherently bad, not at all, I just believe that it's essential we understand the filters we're dealing with in regard to any modality. Here's what's funny... at the time these ancients were using what we now know of as "tropical" or "western" astrology, and when Claudius Ptolemy codified it in the 2nd century, it WAS sky-based, aka sidereal! The map we use now is that same map--so due to the wobble of the earth's axis, it is 25 degrees off. I personally doubt that Ptolemy and company ever desired for their students and predecessors to use the exact same map as they had, one that is no longer accurate to the placements of stars in the sky. That said, for better or worse, the tropical / Western map absolutely has wisdom to share. I see fascinating insights in my own birth chart and observe that many tropical astrologers share absolutely spot on predictions about world events. This is a very length way of getting around to answering you-yes, when I share placements of stars in my work here, I usually use sidereal. There are so many amazing tropical astrologers, but very few sidereal/vedic. That said, my aim in my work is less about astrology itself, and more so using it as a modality or pathway for diving into the wisdom that mythology has to share with us. What I've noticed is that modern astrologers, tropical and sidereal, take what constellations mean and symbolize at face value. If they look at the stories these stars have held, they never go deeper than the Greek myths, which are by mythological standards quite modern (and again, patriarchal). I am interested in looking specifically at the goddess, her stories and cults, in her numerous manifestations, and how we've lost the wisdom she holds--but can regain it, in a multitude of ways, astrology included. Thank you for this question, as you can tell I found it inspirational!

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Thanks for such a great response. Fascinating. I would like to learn more about astrology and the deeper wisdom. 💚

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Jun 12Liked by Kelly Ingraham

Love it!

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Thank you Zabia!

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Big Vibes!!!!!

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This is fascinating Kelly, I adore you for how passionate and devoted you are to this work, it’s clearly so vast and yet you’re distilling it beautifully, certainly cutting through the overwhelm I’ve felt when learning about this before! X

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