Kelly Ingraham
Ancient Future Heart
Cosmic Book Club! The Romance of Reality

Cosmic Book Club! The Romance of Reality

Welcome to Cosmic Book Club Inaugural Month! Listen & Share Your Thoughts!

The response to Cosmic Book Club has been overwhelming!

Life is so clever.

Reading weird cosmic books for years on end has been a little secret of mine, something I do for myself, that I share with no one. In August 2023, I started this podcast, and began to share more, but it was always one sided. This new Book Club format is all about bringing you into the process with me, so we have these mind-blown-emoji moments together as we play in the wonder and awe of exploring the fabric of existence. NBD.

Before I tell you a bit more about March’s book - this is the *first* month I’ve done this and I’m experimenting with the format.

  • My vision is that we read the book together AND I report back on the highlights and my takeaways. Translation: easiest book club ever, no pressure, and you still get to enjoy spark-notes style.

  • On Instagram, you all voted for a podcast format for this month’s episode, and you can listen right here on Substack, as well as Apple & Spotify, or wherever you catch your podcasts (let me know if you have any issues finding it).

  • For paid subscribers, there is a bonus episode you can access. For $22 a month you get bonus podcast episodes and 10+ love letters and mindset medicine to inspire and align you so you can BE the love you wish to see in the world.

  • This is important: if I get enough engagement and feedback that you want to do a community zoom for the next month, I’d LOVE to do one. But we need a critical mass to make it happen. So comment here, DM me on IG, let me know your thoughts & if you’re interested!

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March’s book is the Romance of Reality by Bobby Azarian and it’s essential reading as far as I’m concerned. It’s essentially an attempt at a scientific theory of everything - the big kahuna in cosmology… and also LIFE. It’s a theory called adaptive complexity science and it integrates physics, biology, neuroscience, computer science, evolutionary theory and statistics.

Azarian, a cognitive neuroscientist, argues through rigorous scientific and mechanistic explanation that our biosphere and the entire universe are undergoing an adaptive transformation towards increased intelligence and complexity.

It’s brilliant. To me, it supports immense amounts of ancient wisdom, creation stories, and spiritual traditions - though it is NOT a spiritual book, he believes everything is purely mechanistic.

Listen to the episode - above - to get a full download sprinkled with my insights and to go deeper, and find out how this information applies to your life and your business (yup!) listen to part two.

I am so excited for all that’s to come, I’ll anounce April’s book this week.

So grateful for you being here.

Kelly Ingraham
Ancient Future Heart
Guided by Kelly Ingraham, Ancient Future Heart is a space to cultivate a cosmic mindset and be reminded of the love that you are. Dive into the mysteries of life, contemplate cosmology and ancient history, come face to face with the beliefs you hold about Life, God, the Universe, and your self and how they form your experience of reality. Tap into wonder, awe, and connect more deeply with your own spiritual path. Exclusive members only episodes for paid subscribers on Substack -